The moment after the big bang , our universe was super hot the temperatures were insanely high but as years passed by things started to cool up and that was the time our solar system was forming and taking its shape .
In present day , Scientists have discovered many other planetary systems similar to ours but most of them have the gas gaints orbiting near to the center star , but in our solar system we have our rocky planets orbiting near to the sun in the inter solar system. Seems like our solar system is quite unique right. we are here because we got our place  fixed in the right orbit were the temperature is no too high and not too cold just the optimal temperature needed for life to form , but  how did everything got fixed in the right orbit ? 

Our solar system was formed about 4.6 billion years ago , from a hot gas cloud of gas and dust particles called the solar nebula , the solar nebula formed due to a shock wave from a nearby supernova which collapsed the gas cloud and formed a spinning disk of matter called the solar nebula. When the hero of the story gravity came in , at the center as gravity pulled in more matter in , the pressure in the core became immense and as a result hydrogen atoms began to collide and formed helium resulting in the chain reaction of nuclear fusion , releasing tremendous amount of energy , with that our sun,  the heart of our solar system was born.  As gravity started to play its game further the left over matter started clumping up into planets , moons , comets , dwarf planets etc.

As the planets were forming in our solar system , the main reason that the rocky planets are near to the sun is said because of the grand tack of the planet Jupiter known as the grand tack hypothesis, here the grand tack is referred to as the path travelled by Jupiter during the formation of our solar system , first Jupiter was migrating towards the sun then it stopped,  it turned it self and started migrating back outwards away from the sun , it is said that this happened because of the planet Saturn,  Saturn was also approaching sun , when the two planets were close to each other the gas particles between them got expelled and the spinning proto planatery disk came to a halt this resulted in reversing their motion and they started moving outwards, Jupiter formed about 3.5 AU ( AU - astronomical unit ) from the sun as the planet got caught in the currents of the flowing gas it got pulled toward the sun and it moved upto 1.5 AU towards the sun during the formation of our solar system ,  that is were mars currently is in our solar system , and most of the gas was swept away by the two gas gaints leaving only less amount of planetesimals ( planetesimls are  the particles which are smaller than a planet almost equal to the size of the pebble , when these particles clump up they form planets) for the rocky planets to be formed , and this was how the planets got there desired orbits in our existing solar system leaving Jupiter at current position of 5.2 AU and Saturn at 7 AU and all the planets are revolving peacefully around the sun till date .


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